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CompanyIndustryTransaction Sets Used
American Axle Manufacturing
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 840 Request for Quotation, 850 Purchase Order, 860 Purchase Order Change Request, 997 Functional Acknowledgement
Browning Manufacturing
Finance, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 997 Acknowledgement
Finance, Supply Chain
810 Invoice, 824 Application Advice, 830 Planning Schedule, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advance Ship Notice, 860 Purchase Order Change

SP20 (Standard Practice 20) compliant bar code shipping labels

G.S.W. Manufacturing
Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability, 856 Ship Notice/Manifest, 862 Shipping Schedule, 997 Acknowledgment, GS1-128 (UCC 128) labels
General Motors
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
DELFOR - Delivery Forecast, DELJIT - Delivery Just in Time, DESADV - Advance Ship Notice, RECADV - Receiving Advice, CONTRL - Acknowledgment, 810 Invoice, 830 Planning Schedule, 840 Request for Quotation, 843 Response to Request for Quotation, 850 Purchase Order, 860 Purchase Order Change, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 997 Functional Acknowledgments, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 820 Remittance Advice, 824 Application Advice, 830 Planning Schedule, 832 Electronic Catalog, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advance Ship Notice, 861 Receiving Advice, 862 Shipping Schedule, 864 Text Message, 997 Acknowledgement
John Deere
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 824 Application Advice, 830 Planning Schedule, 850 Purchase Order, 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement, 856 Advance Ship Notice, 997 Functional Acknowledgment
Kraft Foods
Transportation, Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
204 Shipment Information/Load Tender, 210 Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice, 214 Shipment Status, 810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advance Ship Notice, 990 Accept/Reject Load Tender, 997 Acknowledgement
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 844 Product Transfer Account Adjustment, 849 Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advance Ship Notice, 997 Functional Acknowledgement, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Precision Manufacturing
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 850 Purchase Order, 997 Functional Acknowledgement
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 812 Credit Debit Adjustment, 816 Organizational Relationships, 820 Payment Remittance Advice, 830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability, 846 Inventory Inquiry Advice, 850 Purchase Order, 852 Product Activity Data, 855 Purchase Order Response, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 860 Purchase Order Change, 864 Text Message, 867 Product Transfer and Reorder, 869 Order Status Inquiry, 870 Order Status, 879 Price Change UCS, 997 Acknowledgement Document, GS1-128 (formerly called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls
810 Invoice, 820 Remittance Advice, 824 Application Advice, 830 Order Forecast, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advance Ship Notice, 862 Shipping Schedule, 997 Acknowledgement
US Manufacturing
Finance, Supply Chain, Communications & Controls, Transportation
810 Invoice, 830 Planning Schedule with Release Capabiltiy, 850 Purchase Order, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 997 Acknowledgement, GS1-128 (formally called UCC-128) bar code shipping labels

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